Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Anime News

This is playbubble signing in.
On this session of anime news i will talk about a new anime i found. It's name is "Shaman King". It involves a 14 year old boy name Yoh Asakura, he is a shaman. A shaman is a person who can see, talk to, and control spirits. At the beginning of the show Yoh-kun is intailed of a fight among shamans. "The Shaman Fight". Whoever wins will be called "The Shaman King",hence the name. Anyway off the topic of fighting here are a list of characters involved in the show:
. Yoh Asakura- main character he is 14, kind and optimistic.
. Anna chan- Yoh's fiancee. She is also 14 and can bring back the spirits of the dead and control these spirits.
. Manta kun- Yoh's best friend
. Ren Tao- rival, use to be evil but because of Yoh's influence he is becoming kind.
. Horo-Horo- Yoh's friend. Sometimes mistaken as Boro-Boro.
This show has about 60 episodes. i am currently on episode 41. anyway that's all the time i have left.
playbubble signing off
bye bye.

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