Friday, March 28, 2008

Animals Update

This is playbubbles signing in. There is a New show on Animal Planet called "Animal Police IN Hostan". i recommend all animal lovers to watch it.
playbubble signing off.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Anime News

This is playbubble signing in.
Today on Anime News i will be talking about a new show called "FULL MOON WO SAGASHITE". It is a very interesting show. It involves a girl named Mitsuki who is visited by a couple of sagashimi. Sagashimi are something like ghost but have a human appearance. well anyway, humans are not suppose to see sagashimi but Mitsuki sees them. She then finds out by accident that she only has one year left to live. Mitsuki is a 12 year old girl who wants to be a singer but because she has throat cancer she is unable to project her voice high. Well Takuto, one of the shimigami has taken a liking to her and transforms her into a 16 year old who has no throat cancer. so now she is able to sing to her fullest. and guess what, she sounds very good.
well thats all the time i have left, so i''ll continue next time.
playbubble signing off

Friday, March 21, 2008

Its The Animal Time

This is playbubble signing on,
On this session i will be talking about foxes. Foxes are very sly and clever. Foxes look like dingos at times to me. There are many different types of foxes. Some include:
. Red fox
. Desert fox or Sand
Desert foxes are small with very large ears. they can ear ants and insects crawling along the desert floor. Red foxes are the most common types of foxes. they are red. foxes hunt at night. they hunt:
. rabbits
. insects
. mice
. chickens
foxes are cool animals and should be treated with respect and care.

Its Anime News

This is playbubble signing in.
On the last session I had of Anime News I mentioned Kodocha and promised to continue. Don't worry I will. So lets begin.
Hello this is Anime News. Our topic today will be Kodocha. I said before that I was on episode 96 now I am finished. And now I have nothing to watch, please suggest anime for me to watch in your comments. Anyways, Kodocha has many characters in it. i will mention some of them:
. Sana Kurata(leading girl, on the second series she realizes she likes Akito)
. Akito Hayama(leading boy, secretly likes Sana)
. Babbit( a white bat that explains the story along the way)
.Aya-nickname (friend)
.Tsuyoshi( friend)
.Fuka Matsui (best friend of Sana and looks and acts just like Sana, there're more like twin friends)
. Gomi-kun (friend)
. Rei (used to be homeless and got saved by Sana when she was young. Sana used to like him as a boyfriend but it was only a made-up love because Rei is around 30 and Sana is 12. He's now his manager).
.Maro a pet squirrel of Sana's Mom who is always found on her Mama's head.
. Mama Sana's foster mother( very unique and funny)
Well that's all the time I have left. I will continue on this topic on the next session which is tomorrow.
Playbubble signing off.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Its Anime News

playbubble signing in. I have created a new session called, "ANIME NEWS". Anime news will be the greatest hit on my blog. I guess your wondering what anime news is. well i'll explain. Anime News is a session or a post devoted to all things anime. i will talk about anime and have many pictures of anime.
I will now begin my first session.
todays anime show will be KODOCHA OR KODOMO NO OMOCHA. this show has two names but its the same show. Kodocha is a japanese anime which stars a young girl named Sana Kurata and a young boy named Akito Hayama. Sana is the main character though. Sana was abandoned as a baby on a park bench when she was a baby and founded by Ms.Kurata. Hayama on the other hand is a boy with a pitied childhood. When giving birth to him his mother died and so his older sister hates him for it and calls him a devil and his father pays no attention to him. well this use to be until Sana began bringing them together again. So everything is find now.
I will tell you more of the story's information another time. ahhhhhhhhh. don't cry i will do it tommorrow. anyway here's some general information on the show. it contains 102 episodes and no movies(at least i never say any). it has two series. Some episodes are good and some are bad, but most are good. i highly recommend you try it. i am currently on episode 96 of the show. too bad though. when its over i will have nothing to watch anymore. Oh, i almost forgot, Kodocha is also a love drama and action series.
well that's all the time I have look out for Kodocha.
playbubbles signing off.

p.s updates on this session will be coming soon and don't forget to comment.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Sea Creatures Of the Deep

There are many animals who live in the sea. they are beautiful and mysterious. some animals of the deep include:
a. blue whales
b. great white sharks
c. variety of fish
d. humpback whales.
the sea is magical and spacious. it covers 74% of ht world today. Keep it clean and healthy so these animals stay alive and strive.


Thursday, March 13, 2008


rotten eggs,
jollied children,
pony locked,
behold the easter rock.

easter hunts,
through night and day,
the day of spring,
arrives again.

sunny and bright,
with sprinkled lights,
awaiting children,
with that easter bite.

so bless the Lord,
that you can see,
the sweet easter Sunday,
again and again.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Hoo-ray It' Soon Easter

hello viewers,
This is playbubble signing in.
I am very happy that it's soon easter. we all deserve a break from school and coursework. i hope you have a happy easter and enjoy this break because i know i will.
playbubble signing off.

p.s more updates will be coming everyday of this week.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


One but many,
Beholds the dear,
Whose heart has scattered,
Into many near.

Lost, unfound,
Her faith lays deep,
In into her unsatified heart,
That's always asleep.

It only takes one to arose her life,
It's to believe in everlasting faith,
That's been lost in her sleep,
But here comes the sheep.

The one who can awake her in a blink,
Behold God the King,
For He can do what no man can,
To resurrect the dead is in His command.

He patrols the Earth near and far,
Keeps a eye on the good at heart,
Heals those unbelieved souls,
Helps us through the life He gave,
For He is The only KING.

Great News

hello viewers,
playbubble signing in,
I am feeling a little better now and can blog more now. More updates will be coming very, very soon.

playbubble signing off,
bye bye

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Bad News

Hello Viewers,
This is playbubble signing in. Bad news, I am not feeling good at all. I will post thousands of posts as soon as i get better. So you can count on it.

playbubble signing off.