Monday, September 15, 2008

Anime News

Hi viewers,
today i will talk about a new anime i found. it is called "SPECIAL A". It is the best anime ever. It has 24 episodes. i am currently on episode 23 but its raw, it was supposed to get subbed today. i don't know why its not subbed.................anyway here are the main characters of special a:
.hikiri - rival of takishima, later on in the show she starts liking kei around episode 21.
. kei takishima- secretly likes hikiri smart genius owns several huge companies
.akira- the cooker of the group
.tadashi - the fool of the group
.megami and jun-twins
there are 7 but thats all i remember. anyway the group of seven are called the special a because they are the smartest students in the school. they all have rank numbers from 1-7. blah, blah, such and such. anyway watch the anime.
playbubble signing off.

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