Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Freakest Day Of My Life

Hello peeps,
This is playbubble signing in. this post will be about the FREAKEST DAY OF MY LIFE, as said in the title. The freakest day of my life started when i awoke 5:30 on a Saturday morning. and i could not get back to sleep. then i switched on the t.v and saw Jenny the tennage robet was on. (this show does not come on anymore). if this was not freaky enough. then i switched on the light and saw that my room was completely destroyed. then my sister came in and she had grown17 ft tall and my mother had shrunk 6 ft and was no taller than my thumb. then my dog came in my room and had eyes of gold and silver. then suddenly i felt a dropping feeling and saw i was falling into a deep pit of molten lava. then i opened my eyes and realized that it was only a dream.
playbubble signing off

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